Tuesday, May 3, 2011

FotoFacial-A Great Laser Treatment

A couple of years ago, I was told I looked older than my age because of the sun damage on my face. Yes, it was a shockingly rude comment, but one of those that changed my life. I immediately stopped tanning, started wearing sunscreen and began taking care of my face with treatments and products.

One of the biggest issues I dealt with was brown pigmentation, mainly on my cheeks and forehead. I also was developing very deep crow's feet, so I decided to visit a medical spa. I chose Refine Medical Spa in Chicago. Dr. Vulich was great and recommended a few treatments, one of which was FotoFacial RF. (When I look back at old pics, I'm shocked by how bad my wrinkles were! Also, excuse the headphones, I was at Graceland.)

Before: Sept 2009
After: July 2010

FotoFacial is a laser treatment that helps with brown spots, broken capillaries, acne, wrinkles and just general ruddiness in the face. I did a series of three treatments. A gooey numbing gel is spread on your face, and then the doctor runs the laser over your skin. The laser flashes, almost like it's taking a picture. It really doesn't hurt at all and only takes about 30 minutes each session. 5 treatments may be needed, but you can determine that in a consultation. The treatments aren't cheap either--usually $200-$300 a piece. (I did this last year before my wedding--I figured I could justify spending that.)

After each session, I noticed improvements in my skin, and now the brown spots are gone and my lines are much smaller than they once were. Here's a good description of FotoFacial from a medical spa in Texas. It's perfect for so many of us with sun-damaged skin.

Good luck and keep looking beautiful!


  1. Thank you for sharing your experience with this laser treatment. I'm also thinking to go for a fotofacial Toronto procedure, because my skin looks old and with unaesthetic spots and from what I've understood and read, it's something really useful, with great results!

  2. Fotofacilal is great laser treatment. Read to know more
